Friday, November 18, 2016

Sunday Molebuin – Hospice Hero

Halcyon Hospice – Tucker, Ga.

Hospice is a job you either love or find out that you really aren’t cut out for it. You usually know right away which it will be for you.

Sunday Molebuin, RN, at Halcyon Hospice in Tucker, Ga., is one of those nurses who really loves his job. He exudes care, compassion and comfort with every patient and family he meets.  Recently the daughter of a patient wrote these words about Sunday:

“Sunday Molebuin gave my mother exceptional care. He was professional and showed care and compassion at all times when visiting my mom. My mother adored him. Just knowing that she had a nurse who showed concern about her made life easier for her. Sunday was always very informative about letting us know what was going on with mom. Your company is extremely lucky to have Mr. Molebuin as an employee. Even in my mom’s last hour, he was there and did everything within his power to comfort her. We will forever cherish the relationship that we established with Sunday. He surely made a difference in the last three months of her life. We feel blessed that Sunday was a part of this journey.”

This really is what hospice is all about – making the end-of-life journey with our patients and their families and making a difference. Sunday, thanks for the exceptional care you provided to this patient and her family. You are our “Hospice Hero!”

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